Monday, 6 August 2012

Global Harmony

“God made man in his own image, in the image of man God made Himself” . But he has not divided mankind into different religions. These regimented religions are man’s own creation. In spite of this, people of all religions can still live in peace if they respect each other’s religion.
Even if they worship God (or gods) in different ways, yet they should try to realize the underlying spirit in each religion and that is to serve mankind which is basically one. It is very sad that in our country often communal riots take place, sometime in U.P., sometime in Gujarat and sometime at other places. Sometimes, the grounds are quite flimsy or trivial.
The people need some awakening and joint efforts by enlightened people of all communities, as peace is good for all and strife is harmful to everybody. It is said that the two nation theory that led to the partition of our country, sowed the real seeds of communal disharmony. But, we should all consider ourselves Indian first and last.
We must understand that India is constitutionally a secular country where people of all religions, castes and creeds can live enjoying equal rights and opportunities for progress and have the same stake in the welfare of the nation.
Let us all forget our petty religious differences, if any and live like brothers and celebrate jointly each other’s festivals and make India a great power to reckon with.

Recently, it has become almost possible to find the pace index of any country!  Here are  the Top 10 -
Country2012 Rank2012 Score2011 Rank2011 Score2010 Rank2010 Score2009 Rank2009 Score2008 Rank2008 Score2007 Rank2007 Score
 New Zealand21.23921.27911.18811.20241.35021.363

I'd like to sign off by quoting these famous words -
The name of peace is sweet, and the thing itself is beneficial, but there is a great difference between peace and servitude. Peace is freedom in tranquility, servitude is the worst of all evils, to be resisted not only by war, but even by death. 

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